

分类: 法律英语 

(April 5, 1994)
颁布日期:19940405  实施日期:19940405  颁布单位:国务院办公厅

In March 1991, the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Public Security, State Administration of Industry and Commerce, Press and Publication Administration of China and Ministry of Radio, Film and Television jointly issued the Circular Regarding Banning the Illegal Use of Designs of Renminbi, Foreign Currencies and State Bonds on Publicity Materials, Publications and Related Commodities“。 The document has since played a positive role in strengthening the administration of Renminbi and state bonds. However, a recent investigation uncovered the fact that various persons in Fuding County, Fujian Province, had adopted deceptive means to duplicate Renminbi for packaging small round candy which was then offered for public consumption; and various persons in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region had counterfeited small denominations of Renminbi which were used to purchase commodities and even change was given when they were used to make payment. Illegal acts involving the use of the various designs of Renminbi and state bonds on publicity materials, publications and commodities have occasionally surfaced and provided the opportunity for unscrupulous criminals to engage in fraudulent activities leading to a disturbance in the financial order, and creating certain difficulties in combating the counterfeiting of currency. In order to safeguard the credit standing and dignity of Renminbi and state bonds, this notice regarding related matters is hereby publicized with the approval of the State Council:

1. Without having received the approval of the People's Bank of China, no unit or individual shall in any manner imitate the designs of Renminbi when printing tickets or coupons for internal use, or duplicate the designs of Renminbi or state bonds (either in actual or reduced sizes) on publicity materials, publications or other commodities.

2. Supervision and administration shall be strengthened upon the business of printing, publishing, film and television production, advertising and other commodity production. Publicity materials, publications or other commodities published or sold with designs of Renminbi or state bonds printed thereon without the approval of the People's Bank of China shall be sealed up upon discovery and destroyed on the spot. The illegal proceeds of sales occurring prior to discovery of the illegal act shall be confiscated, a fine not exceeding the equivalent value of the proceeds of sales shall be imposed, and the directly responsible personnel and personnel directly handling the affairs of the involved units and the examination and approving department shall be investigated for responsibilities.

3. Various localities and departments shall conscientiously organize inspections and investigations in accordance with the aforementioned stipulations, media units shall do a good job with related publicity activities, and departments concerned shall strengthen the work of supervision and administration, with the combined effort designed to eliminate the counterfeiting or otherwise illegal use of the designs of Renminbi and state bonds.

