

分类: 法律英语 

(December 31, 1995)
颁布日期:19951231  实施日期:19951231  颁布单位:国务院办公厅

With a view to defending state sovereignty, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of internal consumers of economic informations and promoting the healthy development of the economic information undertakings, the State Council authorizes the Xinhua News Agency to exercise administration within its jurisdiction over the release of economic informations by foreign news agencies and their affiliated information offices within the territory of China. Revenant matters are notified as the following:

I. Foreign news agencies and their affiliated information offices shall apply with the Xinhua News Agency for opening economic information business. The Xinhua News Agency shall according to the present Circular and relevant regulations vet the applier and the categories of economic informations intended to release before authorizing them to do so.

II. The Xinhua News Agency shall in a unified manner reach every agreement on the release of economic informations within the territory of China and settle the standards for charges with those foreign news agencies and their affiliated economic information offices that have been vetted and authorized.

III. Foreign news agencies and their affiliated information offices may not directly develop economic information consumers and may not do so in the form of joint ventures, ventures with soly foreign investment or agent companies.

IV. If a foreign news agency or its affiliated information office has by way of releasing informations to its Chinese consumers committed actions that are not permitted by Chinese laws or regulations, or has included in the information released to its Chinese consumers contents that defame or slander China or damage the state interests of China, the Xinhua News Agency shall jointly with other relevant departments handle the case according to law.

V. Any government department at different levels, any enterprise or institution who wants to subscribe for economic informations of foreign news agencies or their affiliated information offices shall go through registration procedure with the Xinhua News Agency. No department or unit may directly subscribe for economic informations with foreign news agencies or their affiliated information offices.

VI. The Xinhua News Agencies after being authorized to exercise within its jurisdiction administration over the release of economic informations by foreign news agencies or their affiliated information offices within the territory of China, shall adopt substantial and effective measures to ensure the timely provision and reliability of the economic informations received by consumers.

VII. Foreign News Agencies or their affiliated information offices who have already developed consumers within the territory of China before the publication of the present Circular shall within three months from the publication of the present Circular go through procedures for vetting and authorization with the Xinhua News Agency retroactively.

VIII. The departments and units who have already subscribed for economic informations with foreign news agencies or their affiliated information offices shall within three months after publication of the present Circular go through the registration procedure with the Xinhua News Agency retroactively.

IX. Release of economic informations within the territory of China by news agencies or their affiliated information offices of Taiwan, Hongkong or Macau regions shall also brought under the administration of the Xinhua News Agency within its jurisdiction in light of the above stipulations.

X. Detailed rules for the implementation of the present Circular shall be formulated and promulgated by the Xinhua News Agency according to the present Circular and relevant state regulations.

