

分类: 法律英语 

颁布日期:19961226  实施日期:19970101  颁布单位:中国注册会计师协会

Chapter 1 General provisions

Article 1

This standard is prepared in accordance with the General Independent Auditing Standard to establish standards for Certified Public Accountants (“CPAs”) on the application of analytical procedures in the audit of financial statements, to improve audit efficiency and to ensure a high standard of professional work.

Article 2

The term “analytical procedures” in this standard refers to the CPA's analysis of an entity's material ratios or trends, including the investigation of any unusual fluctuations in these ratios or trends and their differences from expected amounts and relevant information.

Article 3

Unless otherwise specified, CPAs should refer to this standard in performing audit work other than the audit of financial statements.

Chapter 2 General principles

Article 4

The CPA should apply professional judgement reasonably, and should determine the manner and extent of applying analytical procedures, to reduce the detection risk to an acceptable level.

Article 5

The CPA applies analytical procedures mainly for the following purposes:

(1) to help determine the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures at the audit planning stage;

(2) directly as substantive procedures to increase audit efficiency and effectiveness at the audit implementation stage; and

(3) as an overall review of the financial statements at the audit reporting stage.

Article 6

When performing analytical procedures, the CPA should consider:

(1) the relationship between elements of accounting information; and

(2) the relationship between accounting information and relevant non-accounting information.

Article 7

When performing analytical procedures, the CPA may perform comparisons between the accounting information for the accounting period being audited and the following items:

(1) comparable information for the preceding or prior periods;

(2) comparable information within the same industry or relating to other entities of similar size in same industry;

(3) the entity's data such as budgets, forecasts etc.; and

(4) data estimated by the CPA.

Article 8

When performing analytical procedures, the CPA may use various methods such as simple comparison, ratio analysis, common-size statement analysis, trend analysis etc.

Article 9

When applying analytical procedures, the CPA should consider whether certain expected relationships exist between the date. If there are no expected relationships, the CPA should not carry out analytical procedures.

Chapter 3 Application of analytical procedures

Article 10

The CPA should apply analytical procedures at the audit planning and the audit reporting stages and may also apply them at the audit implementation stage.

Article 11

At the audit planning stage, the CPA should perform analytical procedures to further understand the entity's business and to identity areas of potential risk.

Article 12

At the audit implementation stage, when using analytical procedures directly as substantive procedures, the CPA should consider the following factors:

(1) the objectives of the analytical procedures;

(2) the reliability of the results of the analytical procedures;

(3) the nature of the entity's business and the degree to which the relevant information can be disaggregated;

(4) the relevance of the information;

(5) the availability of any relevant information;

(6) the source of any relevant information;

(7) the reliability of any relevant information;

(8) the comparability of any relevant information;

(9) the effectiveness of any relevant internal controls; and

(10) any accounting adjustments that have been detected in previous audits.

Article 13

At the audit reporting stage, the CPA should exercise the conclusions drawn from the analytical procedures to corroborate the conclusions drawn from performing other audit procedures to determine whether to perform additional audit procedures.

Article 14

When performing an overall review of the financial statements, the CPA should review the financial statements and their notes and consider:

(1) whether the audit evidence obtained in respect of any identified unusual or unexpected differences is appropriate; and

(2) whether there are any undetected unusual or unexpected differences.

Chapter 4 Treatment of the results of analytical procedures

Article 15

The CPA should maintain due professional scepticism and consider the following factors when determining the reliability of the results of analytical procedures:

(1) the materiality of the items involved in the analytical procedures.

Analytical procedures should not be solely relied upon for material items;

(2) the consistency of the results of the analytical procedures with the conclusions drawn from other audit procedures directed toward the same audit objective;

(3) the accuracy of the expected results of the analytical procedures. Analytical procedures should not be excessively relied upon for less predictable items;

(4) the assessments of inherent risk and control risk. Analytical procedures should not be excessively relied upon for higher risk items; and

(5) the competence and experience of the staff who carried out the analytical procedures.

Article 16

If the information used for analytical procedures results from internal controls which do not operate effectively, the CPA should not rely on this information or the results of the analytical procedures.

Article 17

The CPA should investigate, obtain explanations from the entity, and obtain appropriate corroborative evidence when the analytical procedures identify unusual results which:

(1) significantly deviate from the expected amount; or

(2) are seriously inconsistent with other relevant information.

If the entity does not give any explanations or the explanations are inappropriate, the CPA should consider whether to perform other audit procedures.

Chapter 5 Supplementary provisions

Article 18

The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants is responsible for the interpretation of this standard.

Article 19

This standard takes effect from 1 January 1997.

