

分类: 法律英语 

颁布日期:20010921  实施日期:20011001  颁布单位:对外贸易经济合作部、 海关总署

WaiJingMaoJiDianFa [2001] No.466

September 21, 2001

The commissions (departments, bureaus), the departments and the mechanical and electrical product import export offices of the localities of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalitie directly under the Central Government, and municipalities separately listed on the State plan, the General Administration of Customs ("GAC"), the Guangdong division of the General Administration of Customs and the customs offices directly under the GAC:

In order to maintain the order of the audiovisual product market, to prevent the illegal activities such as piracy, illegal publication and dissemination, and publication of pornographic materials, and to strengthen the administration of the audiovisual products that involve ideology, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the Press and Publication Administration hereby, after deliberation, notify the issues on the import administration of CD-Writers as follows:

1. From October 1, 2001, all the applications for import of CD-Writers (see the attachment for goods codes) shall be reported by the offices of mechanical and electrical product of the localities and departments to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) for examination and approval.

2. From October 1, 2001, opinions shall be solicited from the state departments in charge of audiovisual products involving ideology, namely the State Press and Publication Administration and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, for all the import of CD-Writers, and the MOFTEC shall handle the import formalities according to the opinions of the aforesaid departments in charge.

3. From October 1, 2001, the customs shall examine and release the CD-Writers on the basis of the Registration Form of Import of Mechanical and Electrical Products issued by the MOFTEC. The CD-Writers that have been approved by the administration bodies of import of mechanical and electrical products and that haven't been declared to the customs prior to this Notice shall go through the import formalities again at the MOFTEC.

This is hereby notified.


