
英文法律词典 M-68

分类: 法律英语 

Natura non facit saltum, ita nec lex. nature makes no leap, nor does the law. Co. Litt. 238.

Natura no facit vacuum, nec lex supervacuum. Nature makes no vacuum, the law no supervacuum. Co. Litt. 79.

Naturae vis maxima, natura bis maxima. The force of nature is greatest; nature is doubly great. 2 Co. Inst. 564.

Necessarium est quod non potest aliter se habere. That is necessity which cannot be dispensed with.

Necessitas est lex temporis et loci. Necessity is the law of a particular time and place. 8 Co. 69; H. H. P. C. 54.

Necessitaas excusat aut extenuat delicium in capitalibus, quod non operatur idem in civilibus. Necessity excuses or extentuates delinquency in capital cases, but not in civil. Vide Necessity.

Necessitas facit licitum quod alias non est licitum. Necessity makes that lawful which otherwise is unlawful. 10 Co. 61.

Necessitas inducit privililegium quoad jura privata. Necessity gives a preference with regard to private rights. Bacon's Max. REg. 5.

Necessitas non habet legem. Necessity has no law. Plowd. 18. See Necessity, and 15 Vin. Ab. 534; 22 Vin. Ab. 540.

Necessitas publica major est quam private. Public necessity is greater than private. Bacon's Max. in REg. 5.

Necessitas quod cogit, defendit. Necessity defends what it compels. H. H. P. C. 54.

Necessitas vincit legem. Necessity overcomes the law. Hob. 144.

Negatio conclusionis est error in lege. The negative of a conclusion is error in law. Wing. 268.

Negatio destruit negationem, et ambae faciunt affirmativum. A negative destroys a negative, and both make an affirmative. Co. Litt. 146.

