
英文法律词典 P-103

分类: 法律英语 

PRESUMPTIVE HEIR. One who, if the ancestor should die immediately, would under the present circumstances of things be his heir, but whose right of inheritance may be defeated by the contingency of some nearer heir being born; as a brother, who is the presumptive heir, may be defeated by the birth of a child to the ancestor. 2 Bl. Com. 208.

PRET A USAGE. Loan for use. This phrase is used in the French law instead of commodatum. (q. v.)

PRETENTION, French law. The claim made to a thing which a party believes himself entitled to demand, but which is not admitted or adjudged to be his.

2. The words rights, actions and pretensions, are usually joined, not that they are synonymous, for right is something positive and certain, action is what is demanded, while pretention is sometimes not even accompanied by a demand.

PRETERITION, civil law. The omission by a testator of some one of his heirs who is entitled to a legitime, (q. v.) in the succession.

2. Among the Romans, the preterition of children when made by the mother were presumed to have been made with design; the preterition of sons by any other testator was considered as a wrong and avoided the will, except the will of a soldier in service, which was not subject to so much form.

PRETEXT. The reasons assigned to justify an act, which have only the appearance of truth, and which are without foundation; or which if true are not the true reasons for such act. Vattel, liv. 3, c. 3, 32.

PRETIUM AFFECTIONIS. An imaginary value put upon a thing by the fancy of the owner in his affection for it, or for the person from whom he obtained it. Bell's Dict. h. t.

2. When an injury has been done to an article, it has been questioned whether in estimating the damage there is any just ground in any case, for admitting the pretium affectionis? It seems that when the injury has been done accidentally by culpable negligence, such an estimation of damages would be unjust, but when the mischief has been intentional, it ought to be so admitted. Kames on Eq. 74, 75.

