
英文法律词典 R-81

分类: 法律英语 

RHODIAN LAW. A code of marine laws established by the people of Rhodes, bears this name. Vide Law Rhodian.

RIAL OF PLATE, and RIAL OF VELLON, comm. law. Denominations of money of Spain.

2. In the ad valorem duty upon goods, &c., the former are computed at ten cents, and the latter at five cents each. Act of March 2, 1799, s. 61, 1 Story's Laws U. S. 626. Vide Foreign Coins.

RIBAUD. A rogue; a vagrant. It is not used.

RIDER, practice, legislation. A schedule or small piece of paper or parchment added to some part of the record; as, when, on the reading of a bill in the legislature, a new clause is added, this is tacked to the bill on a separate piece of paper, and is called a rider.

RIDING, Eng. law. An ascertained district, part of a county. This term has the same meaning in Yorkshire which division has in Lincolnshire. 4 T. R. 459.

RIEN. This is a French word which signifies nothing. It has generally this meaning; as, rien in arrere; rien passe per le fait, nothing passes by the deed; rien per descent, nothing by descent; it sometimes signifies not, as rien culpable, not guilty. Doct. Plac. 435.

RIEN EN ARRERE, pleading. Nothing in arrear; nothing remaining due and unpaid.

2. The plea in an action of debt for rent, may be rien en arrere. This is a good general issue. Cowp. 588: Bac. Ab. Pleas, I; 12 Saund. 297, n. 1; 2 Lord Raym. 1503; 2 Chit. Pl. 486; 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 3576.

RIENS PASSA PAR LE FAIT. The name of a plea; it signifies that nothing pass-ed by the deed; for example, when a deed is acknowledged in court, a man cannot plead non est factum, because the act was done in court, which cannot be denied; but when the deed has been acknowledged in a court not having jurisdiction, the party may avoid the effect or operation of the deed by pleading riens passa par le fait, for this plea does not impeach the court where it was acknowledged. Bac. Ab. Evidence F; 1 Gilb. ET. by Lofft, 326.

