
中华人民共和国民法通则 11

分类: 法律英语 

第三章 法人 第四节 联 营 

Section 4 Economic Association 

第五十一条 企业之间或者企业、事业单位之间联营,组成新的经济实体,独立承担民事责任、具备法人条件的,经主管机关核准登记,取得法人资格。 

Article 51 If a new economic entity is formed by enterprises or an enterprise and an institution that engage in economic association and it independently bears civil liability and has the qualifications of a legal person, the new entity shall be qualified as a legal person after being approved and registered by the competent authority. 

第五十二条 企业之间或者企业、事业单位之间联营,共同经营、不具备法人条件的,由联营各方按照出资比例或者协议的约定,以各自所有的或者经营管理的财产承担民事责任。 

Article 52 If the enterprises or an enterprise and an institution that engage in economic association conduct joint operation but do not have the qualifications of a legal person, each party to the association shall, in proportion to its respective contribution to the investment or according to the agreement made, bear civil liability with the property each party owns or manages.  


If joint liability is specified by law or by agreement, the parties shall assume joint liability. 

第五十三条 企业之间或者企业、事业单位之间联营,按照合同的约定各自独立经营的,它的权利和义务由合同约定,各自承担民事责任。 

Article 53 If the contract for economic association of enterprises or of an enterprise and an institution specifies that each party shall conduct operations independently, it shall stipulate the rights and obligations of each party, and each party shall bear civil liability separately.

