

分类: 体育英语 

See you tomorrow.

A See you tomorrow, Neil.

A 明天见,尼尔。

B Ok. See you tomorrow. What time can you come?

B 好 ,明天见。你什么时候能来?

A Is twelve o'clock ok?

A 12点好吗?

B Yes, that's fine. Where shall we meet?

B 好的。我们在哪里见面?

A In the hotel lobby?

A 在饭店的大厅好吗?

B Ok. That's easy. In the hotel lobby at twelve o'clock. Bye.

B 好,那很简单。12点在饭店的大厅见。再见。

A Good night. See you at 12.

A 晚安。12点见。

Notes 注释

1 Another way of saying goodbye – if you know you are going to see the person again very soon – is: See you tomorrow / See you tomorrow. (See you later / See you later. See you tonight / See you tonight. See you next week / See you next week. See you on Monday / See you on Monday.)

另一种道再见的方式——如果你知道你将很快再次见到某人的话——是:See you tomorrow /明天见。(See you later / 回见。 See you tonight / 今晚见。 See you next week / 下周见。 See you on Monday / 周一见。)

2 To ask about where you can meet, say: Where shall we meet? / Where shall we meet? (Where will we meet? / Where will we meet?)

要问在哪里见面,说:Where shall we meet? / 我们在哪里见面? (Where will we meet? /我们在哪里见面?)

Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

See you tomorrow. 明天见。

What time can you come? 你什么时候能来?

Is twelve o'clock ok? 12点好吗?

Where shall we meet? 我们在哪里见面?

In the hotel lobby? 在饭店大厅好吗?

That's easy. In the hotel lobby at 12. 那很简单12点在饭店大厅见。

See you at 12. 12点见。

