

分类: 体育英语 

What's the weather like in London?

A What's the weather like in London?

A 伦敦的天气怎么样?

B Just now, it's like Beijing: warm and sunny.

B 刚才的天气就像北京:温暖而晴朗。

A Does it usually rain a lot in London?

A 伦敦经常下雨吗?

B I suppose so! We get a lot of rain, but we also get good weather.

B 我想是的。我们那里的雨水很多,但是我们也有好天气。

A Beijing can be very hot in the summer. I prefer autumn.

A 北京的夏天非常热。我更喜欢秋天。

B Yes, I like autumn – and spring too.

B 是的,我也喜欢秋天--还有春天。

Notes 注释

1 If you want to ask someone about the weather in their city or country, you can say: What's the weather like in London / New York / Sydney? / What's the weather like in London / New York / Sydney?

如果你想问某人的城市或者国家的天气状况,你可以说:What's the weather like in London / New York / Sydney? /伦敦 / 纽约 /悉尼的天气怎样?

2 The four seasons are: winter, spring, summer and autumn / winter, spring, summer and autumn. In the United States and Canada, people say fall / fall instead of autumn / autumn.

一年中的四个季节是:winter, spring, summer and autumn /冬天,春天,夏天和秋天。在美国和加拿大,人们说fall / 秋天而不是autumn / 秋天。

Key phrases and sentences 重要的短语和句子

What's the weather like in London? 伦敦的天气怎么样?

Just now...It's like Beijing.Warm and sunny. 刚才...就像北京。温暖而晴朗。

Does it usually rain a lot in London? 伦敦经常下雨吗?

I suppose so. 我想是的。

We get a lot of rain, but we also get good weather. 我们那里雨水多,但是我们也有好天气。

Beijing can be very hot in summer. 北京的夏天非常热。

I prefer autumn. 我更喜欢秋天。

I like autumn – and spring too.我也喜欢秋天—还有春天。

