

分类: 体育英语 

最有效的烧脂肪运动:老幼皆宜Why should we all skate no matter what our age? Because you get a lot for a little: It's a bargain! One of the greatest active sports that everyone of all ages can participate is skating.

If you can walk, you have enough balance to try skating. Today people of all ages, beginning at two to three years, up to their nineties can skate for fun and fitness. The fun is clearly seen, but the benefits of skating can be somewhat obscure. Walking uses similar muscles as skating and both have their benefits. However, gliding across the rink on blades has unusual freedom with ever increasing rewards. Skating burns calories at an increased rate, aids vascular cleaning and improves balance. It is well known that walking has benefits for all ages; but there are many more benefits from skating.

Nobody wants to store extra energy as fat so we have to burn a significant portion of what we eat. Some nutrients go to replacing wear and tissue; some goes to fat that we must burn or it is stored. One defense for this accumulation is to burn the energy during exercise by increasing the work done by the arms and legs. Both the arms and legs are able to consume calories in proportion to their muscle volume. This ratio could be estimated by comparing the volume of these body parts. For example: the thigh muscle is roughly ten times the volume of the arm muscle. Thus skating is a much more efficient use of time burning calories.


