乒乓球职业球迷须知Pingpong Game
分类: 体育英语

When the players cannot agree on the outcome of a point played, and they replay the point. In both cases, no point is scored.
Let Serve
An otherwise legal serve that is replayed because it touched the net. There are no limits or penalties associated with let serves.
The defensive tactic of returning a smashed ball high over the net, usually with some topspin and/or sidespin, landing near the end of the table. Usually used by a player far behind from the table to make it more difficult for the attacker to smash again.
An attacker’s favorite weapon to set up for a smash. Executed by whipping the wrist and arm to quickly raise the paddle from around the knee to about forehead level, just skimming the ball on the way up. Since this shot generates more topspin than any other, the opponent often blocks the ball back high enough for the attacker to kill. Also very effective in turning an underspin ball into a topspin one.
Freak: 某项活动的痴迷者。
Serve: 发球。
First round: 第一局