

分类: 体育英语 
There's great dance music in the nightclub. 那家夜总会的舞曲非常棒。A: Let's go to the club next weekend.A: 咱们下周末去那家夜总会。B: OK. I'm happy to go next weekend. Is the music good there?B: 好的,我很愿意下周末去。那里的音乐好吗?A: Yes, there's great dance music in the nightclub.A: 是的,那家夜总会的舞曲非常棒。B: OK, I'm willing to give it a try. It sounds OK.B: 好,我很愿意去体会一下。听起来可以。A: Good. Let's plan to go next Friday night. That’s always a good night at the club.A: 好啊。咱们计划下周五晚上去。在夜总会你总能度过一个愉快的夜晚。B: OK. I'll keep Friday night free and we can go then.B: 好的。我将把周五晚上腾出来,到时候我们就能去了。 Notes注释 1. Notice these time phrases: next weekend / next weekend; next Friday night / next Friday night.注意这些时间短语:next weekend /下周末;;next Friday night /下周五晚上。2. You can also use plan / plan as a verb when you talk about future arrangements, e.g. Let's plan to go next Friday / Let's plan to go next Friday.当你谈论未来的安排时你还可以把plan /计划用作动词。例如:Let's plan to go next Friday /咱们计划下周五去。3. You talk about keeping time free / keeping time free for something, e.g. a plan, a meeting, an arrangement, e.g.: I'll keep Friday night free / I'll keep Friday night free ; I'll keep tomorrow afternoon free for our meeting / I'll keep tomorrow afternoon free for our meeting ; Keep the weekend free for our trip to the Summer Palace / Keep the weekend free for our trip to the Summer Palace.你谈论keeping time free /腾出时间做某事,比如一项计划,一个会议,一个安排。例如:I'll keep Friday night free /我将把周五晚上腾出来。I'll keep tomorrow afternoon free for our meeting /我将把明天下午腾出来去参加我们的会议。Keep the weekend free for our trip to the Summer Palace /把周末腾出来,我们好去颐和园玩。

