美少女魏成美 高尔夫球界耀眼新星
美少女魏成美 高尔夫球界耀眼新星When most people think of golf, they think of Tiger Woods. But there's an up-and-coming player on the course. And many predict this young Korean-American may soon be one of the world.s leading players. At 15, Michelle Wie is the most talked about name in the game.
She inherited an interest in golf from her parents, Korean immigrants, B.J. and Bo. Michelle began playing with them at age 4. By the time she turned 8, she could beat both of them. Realizing their daughter showed promise, B.J. began coaching her.
At 10, Michelle had won practically all the children.s tournaments in her home state of Hawaii. So she decided it was time to move on to greater challenges. In 2000, she became the youngest player ever to compete in a USGA amateur championship.
The following year, Michelle competed in the Jennie K. Wilson Invitational, Hawaii.s most respected women.s amateur tournament. She became the event.s youngest winner ever, beating the 39-year-old former champion. Since then, Michelle has been breaking records and making a name for herself as she competes against adults.
An average teenager?
In many ways, Michelle is an average 15-year-old. She likes rock music and Johnny Depp. Her hobbies include reading and drawing. She.s a straight-A student, with a love for math. And like many teenagers, she has covered her bedroom walls with posters. The posters are of her idol: Tiger Woods.
But upon seeing Michelle, some differences are obvious. For one thing, she.s already 6 feet tall and wears a men.s size 10 shoe. Her weekly routine also reveals a striking difference. Michelle practices golf four hours a day, Monday through Friday.
On the weekends, when she.s not competing in tournaments, she plays seven hours a day. Michelle admits she is extremely competitive.
"I like challenges, and I have to be the first to do everything, and I just want to be the best," says Michelle. True to form, she became the youngest person ever to play in a PGA Tour event last year. At the same time, she became only the fourth female ever to compete in the historically all-male tour. And at only 14, she still beat 47 adult men!
The girl to watch
Michelle.s strength, competitiveness and dedication to the game are paying off. Some say she has a perfect swing. And she already hits the ball about as far as the average golfer on the men.s tour. Those are very outstanding skills for a 15-year-old girl!
Golf.s legendary players are just some of the people watching her with awe and amazement. According to golf great Davis Love III, "She probably has one of the best golf swings I.ve ever seen. No telling what she.s going to do when she gets a little older."
At this stage, some people are pushing Michelle to turn pro. "eople ask me . . . if I.m going to turn pro before I.m 18," Michelle says. "I don.t think so. I.m having fun playing as an amateur." No one knows for sure what lies ahead for Michelle. But one thing.s certain: Everybody.s watching.
Competing as the only amateur in a LPGA Tour event in February, she tied 27-year-old Cristie Kerr for second place. Afterward, Kerr said, "She.s already a veteran at 15. I just hope the [LPGA] tour is ready for her." #p#
胡怡敏 译
在这个阶段,有些人鼓励成美转战职业赛。“有些人问我是否会在1 8岁之前转成职业选手,”成美说:“我不这么认为,我当业余选手很愉快。”没有人确知成美的未来会如何,但是有件事千真万确:每个人都在拭目以待。2月时,成美是女子职业高尔夫球锦标赛中惟一的业余选手,与27岁的克莉丝蒂.克尔并列第二名。之后克尔说:“在15岁,成美就已是一个老手,我只希望女子职业高尔夫球锦标赛已经准备好迎接她。”