
court and “court”

分类: 体育英语 
慧慧和Nathan在壁球馆里打壁球,每次Nathan接不到球,就ask for a “let”. 最后慧慧终于忍不住了…

Nathan: Let please!

慧慧: Nathan, 你怎么一接不到球就叫“let”。 什么意思?

Nathan: that’s because I don’t want to hit you.

慧慧: what? 怕打着我?

Nathan: Yeah, You know when I prepare for a shot, you always stand in my way, so I have to ask for a “Let please” or an exception. That’s why someone said, during the squash game, you move your legs fast, and racket slow.

慧慧: 哦?原来是赖我挡着你打球了。那如果你ask for a “let please”, 结果是什么呢?

Nahtan: in that way I don’t lose a point when I can’t hit the ball.

慧慧: 哦,听你这么一说,我明白了两件事。

Nathan: 什么?

慧慧:一个是在壁球中,To call for or ask for a let就是说,你觉得对手妨碍了你的接球,就叫“let please”, 然后你就可以不丢分。

Nathan: 对呀,你真聪明。你还明白了什么?

慧慧: 第二个就是I also know that you are using the “Let” rule to cheat!

Nathan: 可你凭什么证明我是在作弊? You have to provide evidence. Since you don’t have any, you’re just going to have to trust meJ

慧慧: 你既然这么说,也别怪我不客气。You know two can play that game!

Nathan: (puzzled )What do you mean?

慧慧: two can play that game! 就是我们常说的以其人之道还治其身,您今儿看我怎么好好教训一下Nathan.


Nathan: where do we go! (try to struggle away)

慧慧: squash court!

Nathan: but this is a squash court.


Nathan: ……

In the court, in darkness, only sport light. a referee sit behind the sport English ‘s desk, Nathan, Huihui sit beside seriously, Nathan looks shocked and confused.

慧慧: 尊贵的法官先生,您好。我要正式向法庭起诉Nathan。

Nathan: This isn’t right! What’s going on?

Judge: 小姐,请。

慧慧: 感谢法官大人。我要起诉被告Nathan Jones在同我打壁球时故意利用对规则的曲解来为自己占便宜。我认为这是一种违反体育道德的做壁行为。同时,他在intentionally broking game rules 的同时还须以谋杀…

Judge: (astonished)!!!

Nathan: What! This is ridiculous! Kill? I never…

Judge: (to Nathan)没问你!

慧慧: (continued) 壁球正式比赛规则中的相关条款规定:APPEAL can be made where the player requests the Referee to allow a let. 很清楚,在没有裁判的情况下,是无法私自叫妨碍暂停的。

Nathan: Your honor I was just trying to prevent her from winning a point. It’s really not that serious. Besides, she served the ball above the out-line several times and I ignored it

Judge: 被告,You are out of line! ……诶?等等,你刚才好像也在说原告慧慧也什么above the out-line。

慧慧: Ah, 那不一样。您说的out of line指的是行为出格, 而被告说的那个out-line就是在壁球馆周围一圈线,球要是高出这条线,就会被判死球 dead ball. 或者hand out.

Judge: hand out? 不是拿出来的意思吗?怎么好端端的词到你们这里都搞得莫名其妙的?

Nathan: ah, in squash, hand out means you change the serve right. 交换发球权。

Judge: 唉有,审你们这个案子真是让我头痛!

Judge: 这回我清楚了,out line是:hand out 是交换发球权。so what is all this about a killing?

慧慧: 这家伙在打球的时候嘴里不停地“”,一听就知道他没按好心。

Nathan: A kill? Oh! 你是说我发的哪些逼迫对手的又低又快得球?That may be called going for the kill but it has nothing to do with murder! Your honor,你们不也经常说什么扣杀么?

Judge: 这太荒唐了。你们一直都在那这些壁球场上的行话在愚弄笨官。为了不让你们再打架,我现在没收你们的球拍,不许你们在打壁球。(拿过球拍,一边仔细端详,一边自语)我明天也试试 去玩玩壁球这个新鲜玩艺儿。……

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