

分类: 体育英语 


A: As a leader of the Chinese Olympic bid, could you talk about the general preparations for the 2008 Olympic Games in several years?

A: 作为奥申委的负责人,你能谈一谈关于2008年奥运会在今后七年里的一些准备工作吗?

B: Okay, it's well known that Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics.

B: 好的,众所周知,北京市政府已经为未来的奥运会设立了主题:新北京,新奥运。

A: A great creative idea! Can you explain what the meaning of the theme is?

A: 一个非常具有创意的设想!你能给我们解释一下这一主题意义吗?

B: With pleasure. We defined 2008 Olympics as Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and People's Olympics.

B: 非常高兴。我们已经把2008年奥运会定义为“绿色奥运,科技奥运和人文奥运。”

A: Fantastic! How does Beijing Municipal Government manage to do it?

A: 太棒了!北京市政府如何才能做到这一点呢?

B: According to the theme, "The Green Olympics Action Plan" is being carried out. In several years, we will invest 100 billion RMB in preseving and protecting the environment. 12.5 million trees and more than 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road. At the same time, we will also control industrial pollution.

B: 根据这个主题,“绿色奥林匹克运动会行动计划”的方案正在实施。在今后的几年里,我们将在保存和保护环境方面投入一千亿元人民币,沿着四环路将会种上一千二百五十万棵树和一百多方亩草,与此同时,我们要控制工业污染源。

A: Great project!

A: 非常宏大的工程!

B: Yes. Welcome businessmen from all over the world come and invest in Beijing!

B: 是的,欢迎世界各地的商业人士前来投资!

A: Thank you!

A: 谢谢!

