

分类: 体育英语 


A: Do you know that Chinese women's soccer team won the Asian women's soccer tilte again last Sunday?

A: 你知道吗?中国女足上周日又获得了亚洲女足冠军。

B: Really? How exciting! Who was the rival in the final this time?

B: 真的吗?太让人激动了!这次决赛的对手是谁?

A: It's Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

A: 是朝鲜。

B: What was the result?

B: 3: 0. By the way, what do you think about Chinese National Football Team?

B: 3: 0. 顺便问一下,你认为中国男足水平如何?

A: Very low. There are many shortcomings of Chinese football.

A: 我认为很低,中国男足有许多不足之处。

B: I agree with you. Can you give some examples?

B: 我很赞同。你能举些例子吗?

A: Certainly, I think they lack basic football skills. The teamwork is inadequate and the ability to score goals is quite poor.

A: 当然。我认为他们基本功不扎实,团队精神不足,射门能力也差。

B: Yes, there's really a long way to go for Chinese National Football Team.

B: 是的,中国足球队要走的路确实还很长啊。

