

分类: 体育英语 

It's been nice to meet everybody.


A: It's been nice to meet everybody.

A: 很高兴认识大家。

B: Yes, we must do this again – meet for dinner or a drink. It's been good.

B: 是的,我们一定再来一次——见面吃顿饭或者喝一杯。今天太高兴了。

A: Do you have a contact number? What's your mobile number?

A: 你有联系方式吗?你的手机号码是多少?

B: Yes, I do. And you must give me yours.

B: 是的,我有。你也一定要把你的给我。

A: Yes, it would be good to keep in touch and meet again.

A: 好的,要保持联系,还要再见面。

B: Yes. And sooner rather than later!

B: 是的。越早越好!

Notes 注释

1、 If you want to ask someone for their number, you can say: Do you have a contact number? / Do you have a contact number?; What's your mobile number? / What's your mobile number?

如果你想问某人的电话号码,你可以说:Do you have a contact number? /你有联系方式吗?; What's your mobile number? /你的手机号码是多少?

2、When you talk about something which somebody has, e.g. their mobile number, you can say . . . your mobile number / . . . your mobile number, but if you both know what you are talking about, you can use the shorter form; yours / yours. Similarly, you can say; This is my computer / This is my computer – or the shorter form It's mine / It's mine.

当你谈论某人所有的东西时,如他的手机号码,你可以说. . . your mobile number / . . .你的手机号码,但是如果你们两个都知道你在说什么,你可以用简短形式: yours /你的。同样地,你可以说:This is my computer /这是我的电脑——或者用它的简短形式It’s mine /它是我的。

3、Sooner rather than later / Sooner rather than later is a common expression when you hope something happens sooner and you don't have to wait too long.

Sooner rather than later /越早越好是一个常见的表达法,当你希望某事快点发生和你不愿意等太久时用这个表达法

