

分类: 体育英语 

He's a sports journalist.


A: You're right.  Jobs in the media can be interesting.

A: 你说得对。媒体工作很有趣。

B: I know.  My friend works for a newspaper.  He's a sports journalist.

B: 我知道。我的朋友在一家报社工作。他是一名体育记者。

A: What a great job!  I'd love to do that.

A: 多好的工作啊!我也想干这行。

B: Yes. He really loves it.  He's so lucky.

B: 是的。他非常喜欢这个工作。他太幸运了。

A: And the Olympics are coming.  He'll have a great time then.

A: 奥林匹克运动会即将召开了。到时候他会非常开心的。

B: Yes.  He's really looking forward to the Olympics.

B: 是的,他在热切地盼望奥林匹克运动会的召开。

Notes 注释

1、Remember how you can describe where a person works and what he actually does, e.g. My friend works for a newspaper.  He's a sports journalist. / My friend works for a newspaper.  He's a sports journalist.

记住怎样描述某人在哪里工作和他具体做什么,例如:My friend works for a newspaper.  He's a sports journalist. /我的朋友在一家报社工作。他是一名体育记者。

2、If you want to express your own feelings strongly about a job, either positively or ne.g.atively, you can say: I'd love to do that. / I'd love to do that : I'd hate to do that / I'd hate to do that.

如果你想表达你对某个工作的强烈感情,不论是肯定的还是否定的态度,你可以说:I'd love to do that. /我愿意做这个工作 : I'd hate to do that /我讨厌做这个工作

