

分类: 体育英语 



M: I want to learn gymnastics. Can you help me, Amy?

M: 我想学习体操运动,我能帮我吗,Amy?

A: With pleasure. First of all, you should learn some basic knowledge about gymnastics.

A: 非常乐意。首先,你需要学习有关体操的一些基本常识。

M: How many set exercises are there for women?

M: 女子规定动作有几项?

A: There are four: floor exercise, vault, balance beam and asymmetrical bars.

A: 有四项:自由体操、跳马、平衡木和高低杠。

M: I know that a gymnast should have excellent physical and mental qualities.

M: 我知道一个优秀的体操运动员需要有良好的身体素质和心理素质。

A: That's trune. Just now I said there were four set exercise for women. Besides, there are also optional exercise. They are chosen by the competitor.

A: 对。刚才我说过女子规定动作有四项,除此之外,还有自选动作,由参赛者自己设计。

M: Are floor exercises performed on a mat twelve meters square?

M: 体操是在12平方米的体操垫上进行的吗?

A: Yeah, and the women's floor exercise should last between sixty and ninety seconds, while men's between fifty and seventy seconds.

A: 是啊。女子自由体操应在60-90秒内完成,而男子则是50-70秒。

M: Can you tell me the skills of floor exercises?

M: 能告诉我自由体操的一些技术吗?

A: The floor exercises include many skils, such as tumbling skills, balance, flexibility, strength, grace, rhythm and personality.

A: 自由体操包括许多技术,比如翻筋斗、平衡、柔韧、力量、优美、节奏和个人创新等技巧。

M: Well, what about vault?

M: 那么,跳马呢?

A: The phrases of a vault are composed of take-off, pre-flight, repulsion, post-flight and landing. The directions of men's vault and women's vault are different. Men vault over the length of the horse while women vault over the width of the horse.

A: 跳马由第一腾空、推手、第二腾空及着地四个步骤组成。另外,男子跳马与女子跳马的方向不同,前者是纵向跳而后者则是横向跳。

M: Referring to vault, did Lu Li win the women's vault? I heard she captured China's first gymnastics gold at the 25th Olympic Games.

M: 谈到跳马,我想问陆莉是否夺得了女子跳马冠军?我听说她在第25届奥运会上为中国夺得了第一枚金牌。

A: No, but she won uneven bars.

A: 没有,但她赢得了高低杠金牌。

M: She must have willpower, determination, intelligence and creative expression of feelings.

M: 她一定具有坚强意志、决心、机智灵敏和对情感的创造性表达。

A: That's why she could win.

A: 这就是她获胜的原因。

M: How I envy her!

M: 我真羡慕她!

