

分类: 体育英语 

Can I leave a message for Mr Li?/我能给李先生留个口信吗?

A: Star Corporation Marketing Department. Good morning.Notes 注释

A: 斯达公司市场部。早晨好!

B: Good morning. Can I speak to Mr Li, please?

B: 早晨好!李先生在吗?

A: I'm sorry, Mr Li is away from his desk at present.

A: 对不起,李先生现在不在他办公桌那里。

B: Can I leave a message for Mr Li, please?

B: 我能给他留个口信吗?

A: Certainly. Can I have your name, please?

A: 当然。能告诉我您的名字吗?

B: Yes, this is Liz Frost from London. Please ask him to call me.

B: 可以,我是从伦敦打来的李兹·福罗斯特。请让他给我打电话。

1. If the person you want to speak to on the phone is not available, you can ask to leave a message:  Can I leave a message for Mr Li, please? / Can I leave a message for Mr Li, please?
如果你在电话里找的人不在,你可以留个口信:Can I leave a message for Mr Li, please? /我能给李先生留个口信吗?

2. If you want a call returned, you can say: Please ask him to call me. / Please ask him to call me.
如果你想要他打回给你,你可以说:Please ask him to call me. /请让他给我打电话。

