

  • 冰桶挑战Ice Bucket Challenge

    What’s the hottest news recently? There is no doubt that it belongs to the ice bucket challenge. It is an activity that held by an American char...

  • 假文凭 Fake Diplomas

    Nowadays,our society is filled with plenty of fake diplomas, making an increasing numberof people start to complain. Obviously, its appearance and dev...

  • 好邻居的品质 Qualities of A Good Neighbor

    Whenwe have a new neighbor, we will think of what kind of person he is and hisfamily are. We hope that he is a good one. For me, I like people who are...

  • 明智对待名人的隐私Be Wise to the Celebrities’ Privacy

    In the summer, the hottest reality show must be Where Are You Going, Daddy? The show brings the public how the male celebrities get along with their c...

  • 电子书和传统书籍 Electric Books and Traditional Books

    Withthe development of technology, more and more electric books are used by people;in the meantime, many people still read traditional books. I think ...

  • 工作于我的意义 What Work Means to Me

    Workmeans a lot to me. I think work is funny. I guess everyone has thought aboutthat work is hard and boring, but I don’t think so. Everything i...

  • 成功的因素What Makes People Successful

    There are manycharacteristic exist in the world, and characteristic is very important topeople. For example, active, persistence, optimistic makes peo...

  • 青少年烟民的增长The Increasing of Teenage Smokers

    In the last ten years, the number of teenage smokers has been increasing quickly. Teenagers are in the age of being mature, they like to chase for new...

  • 有选择性的读书还是博览群书?Reading Books Selectively or Extensively?

    When the children get six years old, they need to go to school and finish the compulsive education. It has been admitted that reading more books bring...

  • 关于网上购物 My View on Shopping Online

    Whenit comes to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online be...

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