

  • The Way to Success 通往成功的道路

    Thereis a statement by Abraham Lincoln, which is that Give me six hours to chopdown a tree, and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.&...

  • How to Keep Fit 如何保持健康

    Nowadays, more andmore people are more concerned about their health than their income and themethods they take to keep fit vary from person to person....

  • My View on Thanksgiving Day 感恩节之我见

    Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Thursday of November every year. It is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States. It ...

  • By Letter or Phone to Communicate with Others 写信还是打电话

    As phones are spreading into everywhere in our life, we use it quite often to contact our acquainted people. Less people would like to write letters t...

  • On Lowering the Percentage of English in Chinese College-Entrance Examination 关于我国高考英语比例的降低

    Recently, the news that English will occupy less percentage in Chinese traditional college-entrance examination in the following years has aroused a h...

  • People Should Treat Animal Better 人类应当善待动物

    Nowadays more and more people keep animalsas pets; they treat them as their family members. But there is someone who likesto torture animals. They do ...

  • Whether Can Students Change Major Halfway 学生能否中途换专业

    It is quite often seen that many studentschoose the subject but they never attend in college. The reason hide behindthis is that they don’t like...

  • The Success of Li An 李安的成功之路

    Li An is Chinese very famous male movie director, he is also winning reputation all around the world. Li An’s great success catches people&rsquo...

  • Vietnamese Bride is Popping Up 越南新娘走红时

    Currently there is a widespread concern on Vietnamese bride. With the increasing number of Chinese single male, more and more bachelor consider it wou...

  • Should Fireworks Be Banned? 应该禁止燃放烟火吗?

    In recent years, banning fireworks in a large number of Chinese cities has aroused a heat discussion among the public. Some are against it while some ...

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