The famous game Tomb Raider has been brought to the screen many years ago, the protagonist that played by Angelina Jolie has been the classic image. R...
The age of information develops so fast that many applications have been developed to facilitate people’s life. For the young generation, they a...
Everybody knows David Beckham who is a famous football player and his wife is also well famous. Victoria Beckham was from a sing team called Spice Gir...
Every year, college students are inspired to teach in the poor countries of China during the vacation. More and more students are interested in this a...
In China, millions of high school students will take part in the very important exam on June, it is the turning point of their lives, because the exam...
The first job is of great importance for a person, because it frequently decides one’s future career. Most parents want their children to work f...
Chairman Mao once said one is never too old to learn, his words have inspired so many people to study all the time. Life-long learning is very necessa...
Nowadays, travel has been a popular way for people to take relax. Especially in the official holiday, thousands of people plan their trips and the hot...
Every four years, people will look forward to the biggest sport game, the Olympic Games. This year, The Rio Olympics is coming soon, as the media much...
Recently, a girl from China who studied in America gave a graduate speech. It seemed to be a great event in her life, however, her speech was criticiz...