
大学应开设更多综合性课程 College Should Open More Curriculum

分类: 大学英语作文 

Along with the rapid developmentof society, the requirement of market for talent is increasingly high. And it'seasy to be eliminated if people just have single skill. As a university studentwho will graduate soon, I also feel the heavy pressure. I think it's not enoughfor students only focus on professional knowledge. We need to open our mindsand broaden our horizons. In order to make graduates more competitive, I think universitiesshould develop curriculums that cover a broad range of fields.随着社会的快速发展,市场对人才的要求也越来越高。只有单一技能的人很容易被社会淘汰掉。作为一个马上就要毕业的大学生,我也感到了沉重的压力。我认为对于学生来说只注重专业知识是不够的。我们需要打开思想,开阔眼界。为了提高毕业生的竞争力,我认为大学应发展涵盖广泛领域的课程。

It is extensively acknowledgethat graduates' jobs have little relation with their major. We all commonlyknow that before students choose their major, they don't clearly realize whatthey will learn in their four- year campus lives. Moreover, many students saythat they dislike their majors at all. There is a saying that interest is the best teacher. If school develops the curriculum extensively, students canstudy some more subjects they are interested in.众所周知,毕业生的工作与专业的关系不大。我们都知道,一般情况下学生在选择自己的专业之前,他们都不清楚自己在将来四年的校园生活中要学习的是什么。此外,许多学生说他们根本不喜欢自己的专业。俗话说,兴趣是最好的老师。如果学校开设课程,学生可以学习一些他们感兴趣的科目。

大学应开设更多综合性课程 College Should Open More Curriculum

Students must catch up withsocial steps. It's obviously that inter-disciplinary talent has become thetrend on job markets. Most companies prefer employees who own knowledge onseveral fields. For instance, many lawyers are required to speak fluentEnglish, because they may serve for foreigners; mathematic teachers must have agood understanding of linguistic learning, because they have to express well tostudents and sometimes they need to write a paper. Therefore, students shouldgrasp professional knowledge as well as comprehensive knowledge.

From the discussion above,college should provide more curriculums for students to learn, which helps themto broaden knowledge.

