
严禁酒后驾车Drinking, No Driving

分类: 高中英语作文 

Thisyear, the most stringent traffic rules are carried out, in order to reducetraffic accidents and improve citizens’ safety and property. One of them is strictlyprohibited to drunk driving. I think it’s reasonable to this issue, no matterhow strict the traffic rule is. Drinking reduce people’s sensibility thatpeople can’t react immediately when the unexpected situation occurs, due to theanesthetic effects of alcohol. Besides, people will be tire easily afterdrinking, which is desperately dangerous to driving. In addition, people areusually excited after drinking. With stimulation of alcohol, people sometimesoverestimate their own and try to do something dangerous despite of the adviceof the people around them. In my opinion, it is necessary toban on drinking while driving, for the sake of safety.


