
大学生住校或租房?Living in University Dormitories or Apartments in the Community

分类: 大学英语作文 

Some university students chooseto live in school dormitories while others choose the apartments outside theircampus. People have different views concerning this issue. In my opinion, itwould be better if they live in dormitories in the first two years and lease ahouse or apartment outside the campus in late two years.


They can enjoy more advantagesfrom this choice. To begin with, living in dormitories provides moreconveniences for freshmen and sophomores to interact with their classmates getfamiliar to their schools and surroundings and get the newest news. That wouldbe helpful in their adapting to the new life and developing their friendships.Second, they can be more concentrated on their study if they live indormitories. Compared with complex off-campus life, school life which is much morewonderful than ever before is good for students’ concentrating on their study.In addition, in the rest of two years, university students tend to deal withother things instead of academic study only, such as future career planning,pursuing advanced studies and so on. Therefore, leasing a house or apartmentoutside campus is more convenient for them to receive information, get in touchwith realistic society so that they can prepare for their future in advance andfind their positions. At the same time, it is a good chance to cultivate theirability in live independently.


In a word, I advocate thatfreshmen and sophomores live in school dormitories and junior and seniorstudents choose to live outside the campus. Meanwhile, it is also necessary forthem to make their choices in accordance with their financial conditions andother actual satiation.


