背景知识日本由1931年起,在亚洲进行军国主义扩张活动,到1939年,日本已侵占大部分中国领土,并准备挥军东南亚国家,攫取这些地区的天然资源。1940年,日本和德国、意大利组成轴心国,与英法为首的同盟国对垒。 欧洲陷于二次世界大战的战火中,但美国仍然不想卷入战争,只对日采取石油禁运,并希望透过谈判,...
US President'sspeech on American economic future (August 6,2005)THE PRESIDENT:To grow the economy and help American families, we acted by passing ...
Dear Richard D. Parsons, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,Good evening! I am very delighted to be with you here to join in the opening cerem...
Blood, Sweat and TearsWinston ChurchillMay 13, 1940英汉对照On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration.It ...
1)NEW YORK SENATE RACE SPEECH You know, you know, we started this great effort on a sunny July morning in Pindars Corner on Pat and Liz Moynihan&rsquo...
THE PRESIDENT:The Thanksgiving tradition of compassion and humility dates back to the earliest days of our society. And through the years, our deepest...
Bush Delivers Victory Speech for 2nd Term布什在华盛顿发表演讲宣布竞选获胜November 3, 2004美国东部时间11月3日下午3点(北京时间11月4日凌晨4点),美国总统布什携夫人劳拉在华盛顿的里根中心发表了演讲,宣布获得竞选连任胜利。President...
乔丹退役演说Jordan Retirement I am here to announce my retirement from the game of basketball. It won't b...