"We have too many difficulties and problems to take into consideration given the fact that China is still at the primary stage of socialism, desp...
"Sometimes it is unfair to simply assume that our US counterparts are trying to elbow us out. We should also reflect on our own production volume...
"We are cutting off the people from their cultural origins by forcing them to relocate to a new place where they have to change their way of life...
"It is not a good thing that young people are swarming to take civil service examinations. That mentality is not right in the first place."-...
"As to many people filing for divorce to avoid taxes (the 20 percent personal income tax on capital gains from property sales), I think that when...
李总理已经明确表达了中国领导人实施重大、全方位的经济、社会和政府行政改革的决心。从报告当中可以显而易见地看出,中国高度重视在保持总体稳定的同时寻求可持续发展。Premier Li has clearly articulated the Chinese leadership's determi...
香港面临一个十字路口,内地游客是否太多,内地投资者是否太多,这需要全社会思考。这需要港府与中央政府共同协商,寻找一个双赢出路。”"Hong Kong is now at a major crossroads. Whether there are now too many tou...
爱思英语编者按:1999年11月,联合国教科文组织的一般性大会宣布:从2000年起,每年的2月21日为国际母语日(International Mother Language Day),旨在促进语言和文化的多样性,以及多语种化。Secretary-General’s Message for...
爱思英语编者按:据国外媒体报道,当地时间2月14日,现年26岁的女星艾伦·佩吉 Ellen Page 在拉斯维加斯的人权活动THRIVE上公开出柜,该活动旨在保障年轻同性恋团体的权益。艾伦·佩吉曾出演过《朱诺》、《盗梦空间》等片,《朱诺》更为她获得了第80届奥斯卡奖的提名...