02 Hamlet02 哈姆雷特Ham:哈姆雷特:To be, or not to be—that is the question;生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题;Whether'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrow...
These ten habits of highly successful women range from maintaining your hormonal balance to letting go of the past—and they will positively affe...
In far too many classes that I have taught over the last 5 years, I have heard the refrain from students, This is the first time we are learning this....
5 Things Only Your First Love Can Teach YouConflict can be healthy...
Weeks after Harry Potter fans were told a new Draco Malfoy story would appear online, JK Rowling has finally delivered the goods: and with it, her own...
爱思英语编者按:我们总是努力在寻找一些幸福的模式,例如男才女貌、才子佳人。但如果看到美女嫁给了外貌平庸的男人,我们又会忍不住说:一朵鲜花插在了牛粪上!怎料,美国研究人员近日的研究成果就证实,美女配丑男更有利于家庭的稳定和幸福。He’s had many an unkind comment...
I ended 2013 by compiling something slightly unusual: a list of some of the good news you might have missed. I thought it was a pretty good note to en...
爱思英语编者按:在这一年里你想超越自己,过上你念念不忘、梦寐以求的生活,实现遥不可及的梦。梦想年复一年地徘徊,直到你明白如果再不做点什么,你将会淡忘它的存在。现在新的一年就在眼前!你要做什么?你还要继续纸上谈兵,最后失望而归吗?还是遵循自己的想法,做一个计划并付诸实践呢?So you want to...
爱思英语编者按:日本小说家村上春树的出版商表示,村上春树将在自己的网站开知心大叔”专栏,为有苦恼的读者答疑解惑。该网站名为村上春树的地盘”,这位超现实主义作家会在这里回答粉丝的提问。村上春树的书在全球以几十种语言出版发行。Japanese novelist Haruki Mu...