For this -- accepted Breath --Through it -- compete with Death --The fellow cannot touch this Crown --By it -- my title take --Ah, what a royal sakeTo...
On this long storm the Rainbow rose --On this late Morn -- the Sun --The clouds -- like listless Elephants --Horizons -- straggled down --The Birds ro...
I shall know why -- when Time is over --And I have ceased to wonder why --Christ will explain each separate anguishIn the fair schoolroom of the sky -...
Poor little Heart!Did they forget thee?Then dinna care! Then dinna care!Proud little Heart!Did they forsake thee?Be debonnaire! Be debonnaire!Frail li...
The Skies can't keep their secret!They tell it to the Hills --The Hills just tell the Orchards --And they -- the Daffodils!A Bird -- by chance -- ...
He was weak, and I was strong -- then --So He let me lead him in --I was weak, and He was strong then --So I let him lead me -- Home.'Twasn't ...
It's such a little thing to weep --So short a thing to sigh --And yet -- by Trades -- the size of theseWe men and women die!...
Make me a picture of the sun --So I can hang it in my room --And make believe I'm getting warmWhen others call it "Day"!Draw me a Robin ...
How many times these low feet staggered --Only the soldered mouth can tell --Try -- can you stir the awful rivet --Try -- can you lift the hasps of st...
What shall I do -- it whimpers so --This little Hound within the HeartAll day and night with bark and start --And yet, it will not go --Would you unti...