

  • Emily Dickinson - For this -- accepted Breath

    For this -- accepted Breath --Through it -- compete with Death --The fellow cannot touch this Crown --By it -- my title take --Ah, what a royal sakeTo...

  • On this long storm the Rainbow rose

    On this long storm the Rainbow rose --On this late Morn -- the Sun --The clouds -- like listless Elephants --Horizons -- straggled down --The Birds ro...

  • I shall know why -- when Time is over

    I shall know why -- when Time is over --And I have ceased to wonder why --Christ will explain each separate anguishIn the fair schoolroom of the sky -...

  • Poor little Heart!

    Poor little Heart!Did they forget thee?Then dinna care! Then dinna care!Proud little Heart!Did they forsake thee?Be debonnaire! Be debonnaire!Frail li...

  • The Skies can't keep their secret!

    The Skies can't keep their secret!They tell it to the Hills --The Hills just tell the Orchards --And they -- the Daffodils!A Bird -- by chance -- ...

  • Emily Dickinson - He was weak, and I was strong -- then

    He was weak, and I was strong -- then --So He let me lead him in --I was weak, and He was strong then --So I let him lead me -- Home.'Twasn't ...

  • It's such a little thing to weep

    It's such a little thing to weep --So short a thing to sigh --And yet -- by Trades -- the size of theseWe men and women die!...

  • Make me a picture of the sun

    Make me a picture of the sun --So I can hang it in my room --And make believe I'm getting warmWhen others call it "Day"!Draw me a Robin ...

  • How many times these low feet staggered

    How many times these low feet staggered --Only the soldered mouth can tell --Try -- can you stir the awful rivet --Try -- can you lift the hasps of st...

  • What shall I do -- it whimpers so

    What shall I do -- it whimpers so --This little Hound within the HeartAll day and night with bark and start --And yet, it will not go --Would you unti...

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