by Emily Rosko Oh, clouds that do not look like cherubs, move over! My heart isn‘t big enough to include you. The crows shit on my car every mor...
by Louise Mathias All night I flew the dark recess of God's mind. It was arranged like Iowa fields—— not a damn thing missing. You ask...
by Eloise Bruce Dreaming within these walls all night, we woke with both eyes open, barely winking at the morning light. We shower and sing with the l...
by May Swenson Body my house my horse my hound what will I do when you are fallen Where will I sleep How will I ride What will I hunt Where can I go w...
by Thomas Lux Boil it down: feet, skin, gristle, bones, vertebrae, heart muscle, boil it down, skim, and boil again, dreams, history, add them and boi...
by Nikki Giovanni (for Sally Sellers) Like a fading piece of cloth I am a failure No longer do I cover tables filled with food and laughter My seams a...
by Patricia Fargnoli When I heard the bombing had begun I drove down to Keene and bought a 3x magnifying glass, a sketch book and drawing pencils. The...
by Edna St. Vincent Millay All I could see from where I stood Was three long mountains and a wood; I turned and looked another way, And saw three isla...
by Muriel Rukeyser In the cave with a long-ago flare a woman stands, her arms up. Red twig, black twig, brown twig. A wall of leaping darkness over he...
by Tory Dent Only my mouth taking you in, the greenery splayed deep green. Within my mouth, your arm inserted, a stem of gestures, breaking gracefully...