沁园春·雪1936.2北国风光 千里冰封 万里雪飘 望长城内外 惟余莽莽大河上下 顿失滔滔 山舞银蛇 原驰蜡象 欲与天公试比高须晴日 看红装素裹 分外妖娆江山如此多妖 引无数英雄竞折腰 惜秦皇汉武 略输文采唐宗宋祖 稍逊风骚 一代天骄 成吉思汗 只识弯弓射大雕俱往矣 数风流人物 还看今...
静夜思 - 李白 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜。 举头望明月, 低头思故乡。Thoughts in the Silent Night --- Li BaiBeside my bed a pool of light--- Is it hoarfrost on the ground? I lift my e...
FOLLOW YOUR OWN COURSENeil SimonDon't listen to those who say,"It's not done that way."Maybe it's not, but maybe you will.Don...
On ChangesIrene DunlapChange is the only absolutein the world,the only thingthat you can depend on.Nothing stays the same.Tomorrow will come,bringing ...
Results and Roses Edgar Albert GuestThe man who wants a garden fair,Or small or very big,With flowers growing here and there,Must bend his back and d...
The Bight 海湾by Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979)At low tide like this how sheer the water is.White, crumbling ribs of marl protrude and glareand the boats ...
Beautiful spring is here.The winter is gone.But the birds are back.The snow is gone.But the flowers are back.Old coats are gone.But new ones are here....
Life...What is it?See it in the colors of autumn,A gentle snowfall in winter,A sudden shower in spring,The radiance of a summer day.Behold it in the l...
Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here; Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky. 轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云...