kumrads die because they're told)kumrads die before they're old(kumrads aren't afraid to diekumrads don'tand kumrads won'tbelieve ...
Jehovah buried,Satan dead,do fearers worship Much and Quick;badness not being felt as bad,itself thinks goodness what is meek;obey says toc,submit say...
it may not always be so;and i saythat if your lips,which i have loved,should touchanother's,and your dear strong fingers clutchhis heart,as mine i...
it is at moments after i have dreamedof the rare entertainment of your eyes,when(being fool to fancy)i have deemedwith your peculiar mouth my heart ma...
into the strenuous briefness Life: handorgans and April darkness, friends i charge laughing. Into the hair-thin tints of yellow dawn, into the women-c...
in time of daffodils(who knowthe goal of living is to grow)forgetting why,remember howin time of lilacs who proclaimthe aim of waking is to dream,reme...
10maggie and milly and molly and maywent down to the beach(to play one day)and maggie discovered a shell that sangso sweetly she couldn't remember...
唐诗宋词是中国古典文学里绕不过的一座高山,而这高山里又耸立着几座岿然不动的高峰,李白就是其中之一,亦是英大最喜欢的诗人之一。他深受道家思想影响,恣肆豪情,爱饮酒作诗,无愧人间谪仙的称号。今天要与大家分享的是《将进酒》,李白的著名诗作之一。将进酒Invitation to Wine君不见,黄河之水天上...
艾米莉·狄金森虽然大部分时间隐居家中,但是并非完全和外界断绝联系。虽然一生未婚,却也曾对几位男性产生过朦胧的感情。因此爱情也是其诗歌的主题之一,下面这首Ourselves were wed one summer — dear —就是其中之一。Ourselves ...
闲情偶记·文艺Pleasant Diversions: Literacy李渔Li Yu妇人读书习字,所难只在入门。入门之后,其聪明必过于男子,以男子念纷,而妇人心一故也。导之入门,贵在情窦未开之际,开则志念稍分,不似从前之专一。然买姬置妾,多在三五、二八之年,娶而不御,使作蒙童求我者,...