Clifton GorgeGerard Manley HopkinsBalsam floods the woods, swathing(包围) our senseslike moss swaddles roots and earth. Ferns flutter in the shadowof ...
RopeKwame DawesTo hold our lives together on the cartbefore the slow march after midnightalong back-roads, blind-driving, the scentof the exhaust maki...
Dining with HitlerWill WellsIn meals at Emma's, only childrenand grandchildren rated given names.In-laws owned a separate nomenclature(命名法,术语).Abu...
Child is FatherColleen O'BrienWe are farther post-Christian and richer entropic,make more of our movements and less of our masses.We matter as phy...
Water TableEliza GriswoldMy earliest wish was not to exist,to burst in the backyardwithout violence,no blood, no fleshy bits,mute button pressedalone ...
DykeRobin BeckerThe word came after me, then hid each timeI turned to look at it.It breathed in the hedge(树篱,障碍). I could hear it biteand snap the air...
The Good ShepherdAdélia PradoLet me be leaden(铅灰色的),I don't have a shred of courage left.I can't have or beor live or die,I can neither...
Hurricane SeasonJohn HennessyThose red and yellow windbreakers signalhow little time's left for spendingand selling; signing sleeves unravelthe se...
On Valentine's Day I Pick Up My Wedding DressJane SatterfieldDragged across a sculpted lawn, hem(边缘) half undone,the Sophia Long Ivory Silkwas sme...
CabochonNick LairdShe still has some cousins in Leitrim,the tall nurse broadcasting our secret,and bright eyes bright as trinkets(小玩意儿)when her pink n...