by Stephen Yenser Close call, close call, close call: this early in the morning The raucous crows' raw caws are ricochets off rock. Afloat on wire...
by Brenda Hillman A left margin watches the sea floor approach It takes 30 million years It is the first lover More saints for Augustine's mother ...
by Sherwin Bitsui He was there—— before the rising action rose to meet this acre cornered by thirst, before birds swallowed bathwater and ...
by Edna St. Vincent Millay Safe upon the solid rock the ugly houses stand: Come and see my shining palace built upon the sand!...
by D. Nurkse We gave our dogs a button to sniff, or a tissue, and they bounded off confident in their training, in the power of their senses to re-cre...
by Dana Goodyear I play with an old boyfriend, to tease you out. In white shorts that you‘ve never seen before. You storm—wind, panic in t...
by Richard Murphy The calamity of seals begins with jaws. Born in caverns that reverberate With endless malice of the sea's tongue Clacking on shi...
by D.H. Lawrence Ah in the thunder air how still the trees are! And the lime-tree, lovely and tall, every leaf silent hardly looses even a last breath...
by Joshua Beckman Seagulls beside ferry boat. They're people-watching....
by R. Zamora Linmark Sunday after Mass the priest behind the screen prescribes three Our Fathers ten Hail Marys three Glory Be's for dropping ecst...