MR. POWER.NEXT day Christie braved the lion in his den, otherwise the flinty Flint, in her second-class boarding-house, and found that alarm and remor...
LISHA WILKINS.WHEN Christie opened the eyes that had closed so wearily, afternoon sunshine streamed across the room, and seemed the herald of happier ...
THE year that followed was the saddest Christie had ever known, for she suffered a sort of poverty which is more difficult to bear than actual want, s...
FOR some weeks Christie rested and refreshed herself by making her room gay and comfortable with the gifts lavished on her by the Carrols, and by shar...
BEFORE she had time to find a new situation, Christie received a note from Miss Tudor, saying that hearing she had left Mrs. Saltonstall she wanted to...
MR. PHILIP FLETCHER.DURING the next few weeks Christie learned the worth of many things which she had valued very lightly until then. Health became a ...
FEELING that she had all the world before her where to choose, and that her next step ought to take her up at least one round higher on the ladder she...
A FORTNIGHT later, and Christie was off. Mrs. Flint had briefly answered that she had a room, and that work was always to be found in the city. So the...
CHRISTIE."AUNT BETSEY, there's going to be a new Declaration of Independence.""Bless and save us, what do you mean, child?" An...
The Browns were up and out so early next morning that Bab and Betty were sure they had run away in the night. But on looking for them, they were disco...