

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 9

    It was the Mexican woman, Maria. As Buck recognized her he rose quietly and moved swiftly toward the door. But if he had hoped to catch her unawares, ...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 8

    Pop Daggett hesitated and glanced uneasily toward the door."I warned yuh, didn't I, the Shoe-Bar was a hoodoo outfit?" he evaded.Stratto...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 7

    Swiftly the echoes of the shots died away, leaving the still serenity of the night again unruffled. For a moment or two Stratton waited expectantly; t...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 6

    "Hello, kid!" said Stratton quietly. "You awake? What's up, anyhow?"There was a rustle in the adjoining bunk, the thud of bare...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 5

    Supper, which was served in the ranch-house kitchen by Pedro, the Mexican cook, was not enlivened by much conversation. The food was plentiful and of ...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 4

    Stratton was never sure just how long he stood staring at her in dumb, dazed bewilderment. After those mental pictures of the Mary Thorne he had expec...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 3

    But Stratton's mind was too full of the amazing information he had gleaned from the old storekeeper to leave much room for minor reflections. He h...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 2

    Stratton suddenly turned his back and stared blankly through the open door. With the same unconscious instinct which had moved him to conceal his face...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 1

    Westward the little three-car train chugged its way fussily across the brown prairie toward distant mountains which, in that clear atmosphere, loomed ...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 20

    "NEARLY twenty years since I set out to seek my fortune. It has been a long search, but I think I have found it at last. I only asked to be a use...

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