

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 72

    For the next three months Philip went every day to see Mildred. He took his books with him and after tea worked, while Mildred lay on the sofa reading...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 71

    Philip, in return for Griffiths' confidences, had told him the details of his own complicated amours, and on Sunday morning, after breakfast when ...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 70

    Philip expected to find a letter from Norah when he got back to his rooms, but there was nothing; nor did he receive one the following morning. The si...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 69

    One afternoon, when he went back to his rooms from the hospital to wash and tidy himself before going to tea as usual with Norah, as he let himself in...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 68

    One morning Philip on getting up felt his head swim, and going back to bed suddenly discovered he was ill. All his limbs ached and he shivered with co...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 67

    Philip looked forward to his return to London with impatience. During the two months he spent at Blackstable Norah wrote to him frequently, long lette...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 66

    Philip worked well and easily; he had a good deal to do, since he was taking in July the three parts of the First Conjoint examination, two of which h...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 65

    Hayward's visit did Philip a great deal of good. Each day his thoughts dwelt less on Mildred. He looked back upon the past with disgust. He could ...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 64

    But about three in the morning Philip awoke and could not sleep again. He began to think of Mildred. He tried not to, but could not help himself. He r...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 44

    But notwithstanding when Miss Price on the following Sunday offered to take him to the Louvre Philip accepted. She showed him Mona Lisa. He looked at ...

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