Carlo Rizzi was punk sore at the world. Once married into the Corleone Family, he'd been shunted aside with a small bookmaker's business on th...
In the New Hampshire village, every foreign phenomenon was properly noticed by housewives peering from windows, storekeepers lounging behind their doo...
The Don was a real man at the age of twelve. Short, dark, slender, living in the strange Moorish-looking village of Corleone in Sicily, he had been bo...
Johnny Fontane sat in the huge recording studio and figured costs on a yellow pad. Musicians were filing in, all of them friends he had known since he...
Johnny Fontane waved a casual dismissal to the manservant and said, "See you in the morning, Billy." The colored butler bowed his way out of...
Captain Mark McCluskey sat in his office fingering three envelopes bulging with betting slips. He was frowning and wishing he could decode the notatio...
The hospital was small and private with just one entrance. Michael looked through the window down into the street. There was a curved courtyard that h...
When Michael Corleone went into the city that night it was with a depressed spirit. He felt that he was being enmeshed in the Family business against ...
The day after the shooting of Don Corleone was a busy time for the Family. Michael stayed by the phone relaying messages to Sonny. Tom Hagen was busy ...
On the night before the shooting of Don Corleone, his strongest and most loyal and most feared retainer prepared to meet with the enemy. Luca Brasi ha...