23Sitting in a comfortable armchair in his slightly florid suite at the Ritz, Hercule Poirot listened.Egg was perched on the arm of a chair, Sir Charl...
22At the office of Messrs. Speier & Ross, Mr. Satterthwaite asked for Mr. Oliver Manders and sent in his card.Presently he was ushered into a smal...
21Five Upper Cathcart Road, Tooting, seemed an incongruous home for a satiric playwright. The room into which Sir Charles was shown had walls of a rat...
20Now, are you a friend or are you a sleuth? I simply must know.”Miss Sutcliffe flashed a pair of mocking eyes as she spoke. She was sitting in ...
19Egg had not yet finished her programme for the day. Her next move was to St. John’s House, in which building the Dacres had a flat. There were...
18The showrooms of Ambrosine, Ltd., were very pure in appearance. The walls were a shade just off white - the thick pile carpet was son neutral as to ...
17So, you see, the fish has risen,” said Hercule Poirot.Mr. Satterthwaite, who had been looking at the door which had just closed behind the oth...
16Good,” said Poirot. We are colleagues. Eh bien, you will put me, if you please, au courant of the situation.”He listened with close atte...
15Frankly,” said Sir Charles, are we any forrader?”It was a council of war. Sir Charles, Mr. Satterthwaite and Egg Lytton Gore were sittin...
14Mr. Satterthwaite had come down to Crow's Nest with Sir Charles. Whilst his host and Egg Lytton Gore were visiting Mrs. Babbington, Mr. Satterth...