

  • 福尔摩斯-恐怖谷 The Valley of Fear(6)

    Chapter VI.A Dawning LightThe three detectives had many matters of detail into which to inquire; so I returned alone to our modest quarters at the vil...

  • 福尔摩斯-恐怖谷 The Valley of Fear(5)

    Chapter V.The People Of the DramaHave you seen all you want of the study?” asked White Mason as we reentered the house.For the time,” said...

  • 福尔摩斯-恐怖谷 The Valley of Fear(4)

    Chapter IV.DarknessAt three in the morning the chief Sussex detective, obeying the urgent call from Sergeant Wilson of Birlstone, arrived from headqua...

  • 福尔摩斯-恐怖谷 The Valley of Fear(3)

    Chapter III.The Tragedy of BirlstoneNow for a moment I will ask leave to remove my own insignificant personality and to describe events which occurred...

  • 福尔摩斯-恐怖谷 The Valley of Fear(2)

    Chapter II.Sherlock Holmes DiscoursesIt was one of those dramatic moments for which my friend existed. It would be an overstatement to say that he was...

  • 福尔摩斯-恐怖谷 The Valley of Fear(1)

    The Valley of FearPART I.The Tragedy of BirlstoneChapter I.The WarningI am inclined to think—” said I.I should do so,” Sherlock Holm...

  • 福尔摩斯-福尔摩斯的收场白 His Last Bow

    His Last BowAn Epilogue of Sherlock HolmesArthur Conan DoyleIt was nine o'clock at night upon the second of August—the most terrible August ...

  • 福尔摩斯-魔鬼之足 The Devil's Foot

    The Devil's FootThe Adventure of the Devil's FootArthur Conan DoyleIn recording from time to time some of the curious experiences and interest...

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    The Disappearance of Lady Frances CarfaxArthur Conan DoyleBut why Turkish?” asked Mr. Sherlock Holmes, gazing fixedly at my boots. I was reclini...

  • 福尔摩斯- 临终的侦探 The Dying Detective

    The Dying DetectiveArthur Conan DoyleMrs. Hudson, the landlady of Sherlock Holmes, was a long-suffering woman. Not only was her first-floor flat invad...

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