Chapter VI.A Dawning LightThe three detectives had many matters of detail into which to inquire; so I returned alone to our modest quarters at the vil...
Chapter V.The People Of the DramaHave you seen all you want of the study?” asked White Mason as we reentered the house.For the time,” said...
Chapter IV.DarknessAt three in the morning the chief Sussex detective, obeying the urgent call from Sergeant Wilson of Birlstone, arrived from headqua...
Chapter III.The Tragedy of BirlstoneNow for a moment I will ask leave to remove my own insignificant personality and to describe events which occurred...
Chapter II.Sherlock Holmes DiscoursesIt was one of those dramatic moments for which my friend existed. It would be an overstatement to say that he was...
The Valley of FearPART I.The Tragedy of BirlstoneChapter I.The WarningI am inclined to think—” said I.I should do so,” Sherlock Holm...
His Last BowAn Epilogue of Sherlock HolmesArthur Conan DoyleIt was nine o'clock at night upon the second of August—the most terrible August ...
The Devil's FootThe Adventure of the Devil's FootArthur Conan DoyleIn recording from time to time some of the curious experiences and interest...
The Disappearance of Lady Frances CarfaxArthur Conan DoyleBut why Turkish?” asked Mr. Sherlock Holmes, gazing fixedly at my boots. I was reclini...
The Dying DetectiveArthur Conan DoyleMrs. Hudson, the landlady of Sherlock Holmes, was a long-suffering woman. Not only was her first-floor flat invad...