

  • 娜 娜(NANA)第十三章

    Toward the end of September Count Muffat, who was to dine at Nana's that evening, came at nightfall to inform her of a summons to the Tuileries. T...

  • 娜 娜(NANA)第十四章

    Nana suddenly disappeared. It was a fresh plunge, an escapade, a flight into barbarous regions. Before her departure she had treated herself to a new ...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第一章 船到马赛

    ON THE 24th of February, 1810, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples. As usu...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第二章 父与子

    WE WILL LEAVE Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his ...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第三章 迦太罗尼亚人

    BEYOND A BARE, weather-worn wall, about a hundred paces from the spot where the two friends sat looking and listening as they drank their wine, was th...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第四章 阴谋

    DANGLARS followed Edmond and Mercédès with his eyes until the two lovers disappeared behind one of the angles of Fort Saint Nicolas, the...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第五章 婚宴

    THE MORNING'S SUN rose clear and resplendent, touching the foamy waves into a network of ruby-tinted light. The feast had been made ready on the s...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第六章 代理检察官

    IN ONE of the aristocratic mansions built by Puget in the Rue du Grand Cours opposite the Medusa fountain, a second marriage feast was being celebrate...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第七章 审问

    NO SOONER had Villefort left the salon, than he assumed the grave air of a man who holds the balance of life and death in his hands. Now, in spite of ...

  • 基督山伯爵(The Count of Monte Cristo)第八章 伊夫堡

    THE COMMISSARY of police, as he traversed the ante-chamber, made a sign to two gendarmes, who placed themselves one on Dantès' right and th...

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