In a measured voice, Poirot began his exposition.It seems strange to you, mon ami, that a man should plan his own death? So strange, that you prefer t...
For a moment or two I sat as though frozen, the photograph still in my hand. Then, summoning all my courage to appear unmoved, I handed it back. At th...
After a moment of stress, such as I have just described, reaction is bound to set in. I retired to rest that night on a note of triumph, but I awoke t...
We crossed from England by the evening boat, and the following morning saw us in Saint-Omer, whither Jack Renauld had been taken. Poirot lost no time ...
We were present the following morning at the examination of Jack Renauld. Short as the time had been, I was shocked at the change that had taken place...
My Friend: You will know all when you get this. Nothing that I can say will move Bella. She has gone out to give herself up. I am tired out with stru...
Congratulations, M. Jack,” said Poirot, wringing the lad warmly by the hand.Young Renauld had come to us as soon as he was liberated—befor...
I have confused memories of the further events of that night. Poirot seemed deaf to my repeated questions. He was engaged in overwhelming Franç...
The intense interest aroused in the public by what was known at the time as "The Styles Case" has now somewhat subsided. Nevertheless, in vi...
I had arrived at Styles on the 5th of July. I come now to the events of the 16th and 17th of that month. For the convenience of the reader I will reca...