An hour after, the `Henrietta' passed the lighthouse which marks the entrance of the Hudson, turned the point of Sandy Hook, and put to sea. Durin...
The `China', in leaving, seemed to have carried off Phileas Fogg's last hope. None of the other steamers were able to serve his projects. The ...
Phileas Fogg found himself twenty hours behind time. Passepartout, the involuntary cause of this delay, was desperate. He had ruined his master! At th...
Three passengers - including Passepartout - had disappeared. Had they been killed in the Struggle? Were they taken prisoners by the Sioux? It was impo...
The train pursued its course, that evening, without interruption, passing Fort Saunders, crossing Cheyene Pass, and reaching Evans Pass. The road here...
The train, on leaving Great Salt Lake at Ogden, passed northward for an hour as far as Weber River, having completed nearly nine hundred miles from Sa...
During the night of the 5th of December, the train ran south-easterly for about fifty miles; then rose an equal distance in a north-easterly direction...
`From ocean to ocean,' - so say the Americans; and these four words compose the general designation of the `great trunk line' which crosses th...
It was seven in the morning when Mr Fogg, Aouda and Passepartout set foot upon the American continent, if this name can be given to the floating quay ...
What happened when the pilot-boat came in sight of Shanghai will be easily guessed. The signals made by the `Tankadere' had been seen by the capta...