Chapter 18 - In The Queen's DungeonsWELL, I arranged all that; and I had the man sent to his home. I had a great desire to rack the executioner; n...
Chapter 17 - A Royal BanquetMADAME, seeing me pacific and unresentful, no doubt judged that I was deceived by her excuse; for her fright dissolved awa...
Chapter 16 - Morgan Le FayIF knights errant were to be believed, not all castles were desirable places to seek hospitality in. As a matter of fact, kn...
Chapter 15 - Sandy's TaleAND so I'm proprietor of some knights," said I, as we rode off. "Who would ever have supposed that I should...
Chapter 14 - "Defend Thee, Lord"I PAID three pennies for my breakfast, and a most extravagant price it was, too, seeing that one could have ...
Chapter 13 - FreemenYES, it is strange how little a while at a time a person can be contented. Only a little while back, when I was riding and sufferi...
Chapter 12 - Slow TortureSTRAIGHT off, we were in the country. It was most lovely and pleasant in those sylvan solitudes in the early cool morning in ...
Chapter 11 - The Yankee in Search of AdventuresTHERE never was such a country for wandering liars; and they were of both sexes. Hardly a month went by...
Chapter 10 - Beginnings of CivilizationTHE Round Table soon heard of the challenge, and of course it was a good deal discussed, for such things intere...
Chapter 9 - The TournamentTHEY were always having grand tournaments there at Camelot; and very stirring and picturesque and ridiculous human bull-figh...