An Awful PredicamentSLEEP? It was impossible. It would naturally have been impossible in that noisome(恶臭的,有害的) cavern(洞穴,凹处) of a jail, with its mangy...
An Encounter in the DarkLONDON -- to a slave -- was a sufficiently(充分地,足够地) interesting place. It was merely a great big village; and mainly mud and t...
A Pitiful IncidentIT'S a world of surprises. The king brooded(沉思,孵) ; this was natural. What would he brood about, should you say? Why, about the ...
The Yankee and the King Sold as SlavesWELL, what had I better do? Nothing in a hurry, sure. I must get up a diversion(转移,消遣) ; anything to employ me w...
Sixth Century Political EconomyHOWEVER, I made a dead set at him, and before the first third of the dinner was reached, I had him happy again. It was ...
Dowley's HumiliationWELL, when that cargo arrived toward sunset, Saturday afternoon, I had my hands full to keep the Marcos from fainting(不省人事,昏厥)...
I have just returned from a visit to my landlord, Mr Heathcliff. I am delighted with the house I am renting from him. Thrushcross Grange is miles away...
MarcoWE strolled闲逛,漫步 along in a sufficiently indolent无痛的,懒惰的 fashion now, and talked. We must dispose of about the amount of time it ought to take to...
The Tragedy of the Manor-HouseAT midnight all was over, and we sat in the presence of在面前,有某人在场 four corpses尸体. We covered them with such rags抹布,破布 as ...
The Smallpox HutWHEN we arrived at that hut at mid-afternoon, we saw no signs of life about it. The field near by had been denuded of剥光,除光 its crop so...