Jill's MissionThe good times began immediately, and very little studying was done that week in spite of the virtuous resolutions made by certain y...
Surprises"Is it pleasant?" was the question Jill asked before she was fairly awake on Christmas morning."Yes, dear; as bright as heart ...
SecretsThere were a great many clubs in Harmony Village, but as we intend to interest ourselves with the affairs of the young folks only, we need not ...
Ward No. 2Things were not so gay in Ward No. 2, for Mrs. Pecq was very busy, and Jill had nothing to amuse her but flying visits from the girls, and s...
Ward No. 1For some days, nothing was seen and little was heard of the "dear sufferers," as the old ladies called them. But they were not for...
Two PenitentsJack and Jill never cared to say much about the night which followed the first coasting party of the season, for it was the saddest and t...
The Catastrophe"Clear the lulla!" was the general cry on a bright December afternoon, when all the boys and girls of Harmony Village were ou...
A PostscriptMy Dear S.: - As inquiries like your own have come to me from various friendly readers of the Sketches, I will answer them en masse and in...
Off Duty"My dear girl, we shall have you sick in your bed, unless you keep yourself warm and quiet for a few days. Widow Wadman can take care of ...
A NightBeing fond of the night side of nature, I was soon promoted to the post of night nurse, with every facility for indulging in my favorite pastim...