They then turned to the porter to see if he could explain the mystery, but the porter was no wiser than they were themselves. At length the Caliph cou...
"Do not be so angry, my good man," replied the Calender; "we should be very sorry to displease you;" so the quarrel was smoothed o...
In the reign of the Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid, there lived at Bagdad a porter who, in spite of his humble calling, was an intelligent and sensible man....
"Nay, Sindbad. Heaven forbid that I should covet your riches; I will rather add to them, for I desire that you shall not leave my kingdom without...
Sixth VoyageIt must be a marvel to you how, after having five times met with shipwreck and unheard of perils, I could again tempt fortune and risk fre...
When I had somewhat recovered I began to examine the spot in which I found myself, and truly it seemed to me that I had reached a garden of delights. ...
Here I lived in darkness and misery until my provisions(食品,预备) were exhausted, but just as I was nearly dead from starvation the rock was rolled away ...
For seven days I hurried on, resting only when the darkness stopped me, and living chiefly upon cocoanuts, which afforded me both meat and drink, and ...
When the sun rose I crept down from the tree with hardly a hope of escaping the dreadful fate which had over-taken my comrades; but life is sweet, and...
Turning away from the sea we wandered miserably inland, finding as we went various herbs and fruits which we ate, feeling that we might as well live a...