I had just, on the 7th of August, left Auxerre; I shall never forget that date. I had walked about two leagues: the noonday heat beginning to incommod...
"Ha!" said Rombeau, full of enthusiasm for these appalling maxims, "I applaud you, my dear fellow, your wisdom enchants me, but your in...
From these elementary truths I easily deduced the others and the deistic Rosalie was soon made a Christian. But by what means, I repeat, could I join ...
"Therese," Rodin said to me several days later, "I am going to install you near my daughter; in this way, you will avoid all frictions ...
"Dear Heaven!" I said to Rosalie when this appalling drama came to its end, "how is one able to surrender oneself to such excesses? How...
"Listen," said that charming girl, speaking with all the candor proper to her age, and all the naivete of her amiable character; "liste...
As soon as I was fit to take a little air, my first concern was to find in the town some girl sufficiently adroit and intelligent to go to the Marquis...
"Therese," and nothing could have been more phlegmatic than his manner as he spoke, "I have found a more reliable method than the one I...
"But my aunt is the creature I am going to destroy.... Oh, Therese, in a philosopher's view how frivolous are these consanguinary ties! Forgi...
"Oh! Monsieur," I responded, weeping, "you would deprive an unfortunate of her fondest hope were you to wither in her heart this religi...